By Tom Venuto, NSCA-CPT, CSCS
Legendary bodybuilding trainer Vince, "The
Iron Guru" Gironda was famous for saying, "Bodybuilding is 80%
nutrition!" But is this really true or is it just another fitness and
bodybuilding myth passed down like gospel without ever being questioned? Which
is really more important, nutrition or training? This IS an interesting
question and I believe there is a definite answer:
The first thing I would say is that you cannot
separate nutrition and training. The two work together synergistically.
Regardless of your goals - gaining muscle, losing fat, athletic conditioning,
whatever -you will get less than-optimal or even non-existent results without
paying attention paid to both.
In fact, I like to look at gaining muscle or losing
fat in three parts - weight training, cardio training and nutrition - with each
part like a leg of a three legged stool. pull ANY one of the legs off the
stool, and guess what happens?
In reality, it's impossible to put a specific
percentage on which is more important - how could we possibly know such a
number to the digit?
Nutrition and training are both important, but at
certain stages of your training progress, I do believe placing more attention
on one component over the other can create larger improvements. Let me explain:
If you're a beginner and you don't posses
nutritional knowledge, then mastering nutrition is far more important than
training and should become your number one priority. I say this because
improving a poor diet can create rapid, quantum leaps in fat loss and muscle
building progress.
For example, if you've been skipping meals and only
eating 2 times per day, jumping your meal frequency up to 5 or 6 smaller meals
a day will transform your physique very rapidly.
If you're still eating lots of processed fats and
refined sugars, cutting them out and replacing them with good fats like the
omega threes found in fish and unrefined foods like fruits, vegetables and
whole grains will make an enormous and noticeable difference in your physique
very quickly.
If your diet is low in protein, simply adding a
complete protein food like chicken breast, fish or egg whites at each meal will
muscle you up fast.
No matter how hard you train or what type of
training routine you're on, it's all in vain if you don't provide yourself with
the right nutritional support.
In beginners (or in advanced trainees who are still
eating poorly), these changes in diet are more likely to result in great
improvements than a change in training.
The muscular and nervous systems of a beginner are
unaccustomed to exercise. Therefore, just about any training program can cause
muscle growth and strength development to occur because it's all a
"shock" to the untrained body.
You can almost always find ways to tweak your
nutrition to higher and higher levels, but once you’ve mastered all the
nutritional basics, then further improvements in your diet don't have as great
of an impact as those initial important changes...
Eating more than six meals will have minimal
effect. Eating more protein ad infinitum won't help. Once you're eating low
fat, going to zero fat won't help more - it will probably hurt. If you're
eating a wide variety of foods and taking a good multi vitamin/mineral, then
more supplements probably wont help much either. If you're already eating
natural complex carbs and lean proteins every three hours, there's not too much
more you can do other than continue to be consistent day after day...
At this point, as an intermediate or advanced
trainee who has the nutrition in place, changes in your training become much
more important, relatively speaking. Your training must become downright
Except for the changes that need to be made between
an "off season" muscle growth diet and a "precontest"
cutting diet, the diet won't and can't change much - it will remain fairly
But you can continue to pump up the intensity of
your training and improve the efficiency of your workouts almost without limit.
In fact, the more advanced you become, the more crucial training progression
and variation becomes because the well-trained body adapts so quickly.
According to powerlifter Dave Tate, an advanced
lifter may adapt to a routine within 1-2 weeks. That's why elite lifters rotate
exercises constantly and use as many as 300 different variations on exercises.
Strength coach Ian King says that unless you're a
beginner, you'll adapt to any training routine within 3-4 weeks. Coach Charles
Poliquin says that you'll adapt within 5-6 workouts.
So, to answer the question, while nutrition is
ALWAYS critically important, it's more important to emphasize for the beginner
(or the person whose diet is still a "mess"), while training is more
important for the advanced person... (in my opinion).
It's not that nutrition ever ceases to be
important, the point is, further improvements in nutrition won't have as much
impact once you already have all the fundamentals in place.
Once you've mastered nutrition, then it's all about
keeping that nutrition consistent and progressively increasing the efficiency
and intensity of your workouts, and mastering the art of planned workout
variation, which is also known as "periodization."
The bottom line: There's a saying among strength
coaches and personal trainers...
"You can't out-train a lousy diet!"
If your nutrition program is your weakest area,
either because you're just starting out or you simply don't have the
nutritional knowledge you know you need to get results, then be sure to take a
look at the Burn The Fat program at: www-burnthefat-com
About the Author:
Tom Venuto is a lifetime natural bodybuilder, an
NSCA-certified personal trainer (CPT), certified strength & conditioning
specialist (CSCS), and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, "Burn theFat, Feed The Muscle.” Tom has written hundreds of articles and been
featured in IRONMAN, Australian IRONMAN, Natural Bodybuilding, Muscular
Development, Exercise for Men and Men’s Exercise, as well as on dozens of
websites worldwide. For information on Tom's Fat Loss program, visit: www-burnthefat-com
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